Project: InsureIQ

InsureIQ is for car insurance agents who type fast over CLI and have to keep track of multiple customers’ vehicles with the car insurance policies. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to remind agents of upcoming policy expiry dates
    • What it does: Filters and displays the client list according to the specified number of days remaining until each client’s policy expiry date, as determined by the agent from the current date
    • Justification: This feature will be able to quickly narrow down the list of clients with approaching policy expiry date in 1 command
    • Highlights:
      • The initial implementation does not allow the agents to enter any parameters, so it will only show the clients with policy expiry date within the next 30 days
      • However, we decided to allow more flexibility for the agents and allow them to specify the number of days remaining until each client’s policy expiry date
      • Hence, the feature can be used with remind NUMBER_OF_DAYS where NUMBER_OF_DAYS can only range from 0 to 7305 (equivalent to 20 years, the maximum lifespan of a car in Singapore)
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Project management:
    • Team lead role
      • Take charge of agendas during group meetings
      • Delegate tasks for the week to the team members
      • Oversee overall team progress for each week’s tasks
      • Resolve any disagreements or conflicts within the team
    • Maintained issue tracker in the team’s GitHub repository
    • Maintained milestones v1.2 to v1.4 (5 milestones) on GitHub
    • Managed releases v1.3(trial) to v1.3.1 (2 releases) on GitHub
  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Updated the implementation of find feature where it previously only find clients by their names
      • find now requires the prefix to be given to find for different fields
        • Basic details: n/ for Name field, i/ for NRIC field, p/ for Contact Number field, l/ for Licence Plate field, e/ for Email field and t/ for Tag field
        • Policy details: c/ for Company field, pn/ for Policy Number field, pi/ for Policy Issue Date field, pe/ for Policy Expiry Date field
      • Added 9 more predicates, total of 10 predicates to support this feature
    • Updated find command such that the values given for each prefix is treated as 1 value rather than separate values
      • For example, find n/Hans Bo no longer returns clients with names Hans or Bo, but only clients with names Hans Bo in it
    • Updated find command to support partial matching of values
      • For example, find n/Ha will return all clients with names that has the characters Ha in it
    • Updated the storage file name from addressbook.json to insureiq.json
    • Updated the URL given in the help window from the help feature to reflect the team’s User Guide
    • Updated the display of PersonCard for the policy details
    • Constantly updates the version number in to correctly reflect the version of insureiq.jar
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Replaced all occurrences of person to client to better suit our target users
      • Replaced all occurrences of addressbook.jar to insureiq.jar
      • Added documentation for the features find and remind
    • Developer Guide:
      • Added implementation details of the remind feature
      • Added sequence diagram and activity to illustrate the flow for remind feature
      • Added in User Stories in Appendix: Requirements section
      • Added Appendix: Planned Enhancements section
  • Community:
  • Tools:
    • JavaFX for design of InsureIQ GUI